Why is understated watercolor as a medium?
This question prompted me comments from the
close environment of those who look at the picture on the way: Like, I do not
like it.
Even a century ago, watercolor has occupied a
leading position as a medium. It is not surprising, because its fluidity and
freshness was perfect for painting landscapes and flowers. Today, artists are
increasingly returning to watercolor medium, and the topics are, of portraits
and figure studies, and almost anything can be painted.
Nevertheless, in galleries and museums, mostly
we see the oil paintings. This is a consequence of market relations, because
customers are interested in imposing oil paintings.
What was once a template for painting in oil
or medium that is "cheap" is actually a demanding technique, which
can never be just a product of the academic tradition, but requires a data
practice and serves as a vehicle for expressing their ideas.
I go back to the beginning, watercolor as medium
is certainly have no place in a market that deserves, and therefore I ask all
of you, how to change and give more attention to the artistic sensibility in
the aggressive flow of the art scene today?
I believe the artists and their contribution
to "fight for the rights of watercolors."
Jasna Dragun
Feel free to see my other posts. Please leave a comment and suggestion. Thank you !!! :)
Red dance, watercolor, 19x26 cm.